Sunday, January 25, 2009


Someone,(I forgot who)gave me this flier about kidzui.It is a safe pop up blocking Internet browser.I was bored so I gave it a try. Basically you are a pudgy,little character, checking out videos,pictures ,and safe websites.It was so additively boring.When I was away from it I wanted it,. When I was using it I had nothing to do. WARNING:IF YOU TREASURE YOUR WELL-BEING DON'T GO ON KIDZUI.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Europe here I come!

I got the news yesterday that I have the opportunity to go on a European cruise with my family!!!  I'm very grateful to my grandparents for paying for half of my cruise fare!  Cruises are pretty pricey you know.  I gotta start saving up! 

Does anyone know of any smart ways to earn cash?  I am already doing extra chores and soon I will be mowing my other grandma's lawn.  And no,  "getting a real job" is not an option.  Look forward to hearing from you!


Hi friends! I was looking around my profile yesterday and I saw  that 31 people have seen my profile. That is Awesome!  I have only been here for a little over a week! Woo Hoo!Yay! 31! Cheers! I said CHEERS! I am having a mini party right here by myself.  I offer punch to myself, and I dance with myself. It is a really fun party. 

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Here is a poem I wrote

A penguin named Linzz Queen,
Split my penguin's spleen
All I wanted was a vase.
But Apparently she wanted my face.
I know,I know
I shouldn't be a victim,even though she is a foe.
(I wrote that in 15 minutes)

The Secret Criminal Clubpenguin

(I am so wierd and have to much free time!)I have been a long-time player of club penguin and have found some pretty funny things there. Before there was all this pretending to steal thing in Club Penguin. Penguin started talking about themselves in third person! For example: a penguin says "drops penny on the ground".Most penguins say they do this because they can't make specific moves. A penguin with no special clothes on can only wave,sit,dance, and throw a snow ball.

Speaking in third person evolved to pretend to shoplifting. For example a penguin stands in front of another penguin with a purse and says" Steals purse"(they don't actually get anything though, because they are just saying things.).Some penguins might get away with this ,although not me.I was experimenting and I stole a vase in someones igloo and then some penguin named 'Linzz queen ' says" punches in the face" How evil is that?! She pretended to punch me in the face!It wasn't even her vase!

p.s. I am actually good friend with linzz queen.
Club Penguin - Waddle around and meet new friends!
(It  kinda looks like the penguin is punchng)

Monday, January 19, 2009

multi-colored oranges!

Hi guys I found some multi-colored oranges on the Internet!


Sunday, January 18, 2009

Would you like to be the CEO or the CEO's assistant?

"Explore the unexplored. Start a trend. Don't follow one."
This is a message for young people. Being your own boss is a hard thing to do, but at least you can make your own rules.

Little Sisters--dump them or keep them???

AGH!First my 6-year old sister dresses me better than I could! Second she saves me from humiliation when I literally sat in chocolate! And now she beats me in mancala!Is she some kind of genius full of fashion talent? A forgotten child of Albert Einstein and Heidi Klum?! How could such a child exist? Gotta say that I love her quick wit and fashion savvy. She's a keeper.


My favorite breakfast is a scone or rice with a morning star.

Dogs are cute

Hi gang I am honoring the cuteness of dogs and puppys!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Burrito Bandit

January 6, 2009

My sister stole my burrito! I am outraged!Her excuse was" It was the last microwavable burrito.I had no other choice!".This is such a horrible crime and excuse!Burrito related crimes are the worst in the world.but one day I believe that there will be hope to change.And the future can change If we believe it can.There is still hope.


I was going to the movies with my sister.She was wearing a shirt dress a shirt dress and leggings.I was wearing a light brown and white striped blouse with beige capris and a gold purse.My sister dressed me and did it better than me! Any way I brought chocolates in my purse to sneak in the movies.
After we saw the movie we went to Safeway to get groceries.The chocolates must of fell out of my purse because one piece was at the butt of my pants!Luckily before anyone could notice we traded shirts so nobody could see.Thank goodness for my sis!