Saturday, August 22, 2009

What am I soposed to do???

Hi yall, I am upset! I was just watching my daily Lifetime Movie Network and this new show popped up!! I don't like it one bit! The whole "project Runway" thing or whatever! I wanted to watch Dead at 17! Or First Kiss and The Full Moon!! This thing is totally moving my schedule! I take good time to work on this schedule! I am just disgusted!

Friday, July 31, 2009

Good Search Guys!

Hi you snobby googlers! (Jut kidding) You guys should good search! Every search you make donates a cent to the charity of your choice!(as long as it is registered in good search)
Click on the good search button to get started!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

I Hate the sound of chuckling of children!


This is Ruthe here!

 And I am MAD as ever! Here I was, doing the weekly cat crossword puzzles from my magazine that I pay good money to enjoy, and I hear this irksome sound outside!

 I poke my head outside to see these annoying, chuckling children----having a darn, good time and, yes, chuckling. Chuckles everywhere! Well, you can imagine that my cat crossword puzzle time was ruined!  Ruined, I say!

 I can't stand the fact that those stinking little children are so full of  joy and so full of chuckles! The sound of the happy little brats and their laughter should be ILLegal!  Don't get me wrong I don't hate children, I just don't want to have to hear them so happy.  Never did like the sound of chuckling children!!

 I want to go over and say "QUIT YOUR CHUCKLIN',  YOU DANG  KIDS!".  
In fact, now that I got myself all worked up and mad I best get out there and give those kids a piece of my mind!  Even if it's too humbug, what choice does a worked up woman have? So I put my beloved cat crossword puzzle high on the fridge so nothing bad will happen to it. And I put my favorite cat pencil in it's cat pencil container that i got after saving oat bran boxtops.  

Those kids are gonna GET IT.....

Okay, I'm back, and I gotta draw me a bath and get me a new permanent from the drug store.  Them dang kids threw tomatoes and eggs at me.  And, liquid detergent.  Darn ruined my newly colored hair from Loreal.  How did they get all those weapons so fast?  All I did was walk over to them with my slingshot.  They knocked it out of my hands with one big tomato.  Them kids are good shots.  I suspect they practice all the time on innocent old ladies like me.

Chuckling children really irk me.  I'm thinkin' of leavin' the neighborhood.  Anyone want me as a neighbor??

Your lovin' anti-children-chucklin- friend,

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Fun game links

here are some super fun games to play when you got have no energy and you start your own blog because you have nothing to do and you make your own characters and start talking to them in your closet(lucky that's not me! heh heh)

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Go Guinea Pigs!

                                                                 Go Guinea pigs! (I like the Brown one is TOTALLY dominating!!!!)

Although why can't all guinea pigs unite in peace?

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

1.00 movies!!!!

I really like to watch the dollar movies because lets face it, we all can afford 15 bucks to watch barnie's parade extravaganza right?  Then I found up the matinee price for the dollar movies is a dollar fifty! Agh! You can't make people pay a extra 50 cents?! Who has $1.50 any more? Seriously? Now not even Ruthe can't see that cat flick that she has been talking about to her cats about!  Now Everyone will start telling I'm so "Year One" because I buy my movies and because I make daily trips with Ruthe to Blockbuster well I am not and i hope everyone boycotts this dollar-fifty movies thing.

p.s. I AM NOT YEAR ONE!!!!

Friday, May 15, 2009

expiremental post

don't click here

He needs a kidney! A whole comercial for him!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

My lovely voice

I got this new gadget called voice-it!I can send my voice all over the world, but I won't show you now because I want to build your excitement! 

Friday, April 24, 2009

Want to give a shout out to Ruthe?

have precious questions for Ruthe? Just want to give Ruthe  a shout out?  Comment me, and I will give Ruthe your shout out!  So comment! Go! What are you waiting for? She is waiting for you. Hurry! Before she polishes her cat collection (trust me,that will take a long time). go!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Hi guys I just changed the layout and I will also change the colors and stuffs!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Other blogs!

 Hi people and amoebas who read my blog! I know I rarely update so here are some blogging people who do. You should definintly check these blogs out. And I will try to update these more often.
pop culture phsycology ( pop shrinkys to the rescue)click here! ( click here for pop culture psycology)

diary of a twilightaholic ( I don't remeber what the URL is called, but I follow it so you can check my profile)

here is another one that I found for club penguin cheats mimo777 club penguin cheats ( or something) at ( I don't know how he didn't include the blogspot part!)

If there are any other blogs you like just comment and I will update

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Hi! I'm Ruthe!

I am a 69 year old woman living on a farm in Pancake, TX. I've got plenty animinals, and more cats than barnyard creatures, cuz cats are all a lady can really trust in life.

Yesterday, I was feeling purty lonely in my little house :( All the roosters were crowing and the hens were nagging so I couldn't sleep.

To keep busy, I like to play king of the hill with my animal friends. All you have to do is throw your opponents off the perimeter of the hill. I painted a big yellow circle for the "game area" The hens were a bit squirmy, but in the end, I always run them off, but them roosters! You know how boys are! They got them some attitude. They all ganged up on me and and started trying to pluck off my new wig. I don even wanna tell ya! They were cluckn' an' peckn', and after a while, I just started laughing my head off. As I always say, "boys will be boys". And they do love their mama.

I loves me some TV and my favorite show is American Idol. That is until I started watchin' this season with that TATIANA Diaz. I don't even know how they could let her on the show. After all, she ain't even American. She's from some Carribean island. She's foreign, and let me tell you, she's crazy.

I got myself darned worked up about it, but I had to go online to buy me some more cat toys and ceramic cat antique figurines! I got this purty cat statue of a kitty wearing a polka dot bow tie and a tuxedo! It'll be purrrfect for my collection. I also bought a purty little cat ballerina music box! Ican't wait till the packages come. I live for the mail. Sometimes, I dress up all my cats and take them down to the mailbox to greet the mailman. I think he really enjoys that. He's a busy guy though, cuz there are 8 other houses in the area, and he's always in a rush to get out of our neighborhood.

Yup, I live a full life. I figure, I'm such an inspiration, I thought I'd blog about it.

Thank you, America, fer all ya do....and for letting a woman like me live her dreams!

Ruthe Henry

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Sorry I left you for the spiders!

sorry I left you with the spiders and cobwebs! Hi guys sorry I left you in a messy stack with forgotten books and websites and broken puzzles. In a spare room with smashed TVs, forgotten bikes, and a weird wizard boys. ow I just wanna say I got your back! And now I will blog!

Saturday, February 28, 2009

okay forget about alter ego. More like my made up character.

say hello to my little friend!

Hi guys sorry for the delay! I would Like to introduce you to a person named Ruthe. Ruthe is my alter ego. Ruthe is from Texas she has 6 cats, 3 Chicken friends, and a long disance friend from the Appachian Mountains. Ruthe has some trouble with staying sober. You know what I mean? She will be writing some posts from time to time.

Friday, February 13, 2009


EEK! It's Friday the 13th I am to scared to go anywhere! So instead of eating pre-Valentine's Chocolate I will stay huddled up in a ball in the corner of my living room. I will sleep with one eye open! I will only eat bread! Even worse... I will I will pair socks for entertainment!!!

Just kidding! I am not that superstitious! Although I will take very personally if a mirror shatters in-front of my face!

Monday, February 2, 2009


Hi!  I added a new pac-man game! Check it out! Don't be addicted!

The internet!!!

Hey guys! I am going on the Internet now so here are a few rules that I wish for you to follow.

*Don't forward the site without my permission. If you don't know my e-mail address just comment.

*Don't experiment on with hacking on my blog. In fact don't Hack at all!

*Hackers are not welcome!!!


(like I said I am so random and youthful!!)I bought this tamagotchi from target and I have no idea how to use it! I can't relax it, I can't make it happy, and I can't control it! So now I instead of helplessly playing with it I will be evil to it! I will wake it up every time it sleeps! I won't feed it! And worst I will put it in time up everyday!!! I will be the worst parent in history!!

Sunday, January 25, 2009


Someone,(I forgot who)gave me this flier about kidzui.It is a safe pop up blocking Internet browser.I was bored so I gave it a try. Basically you are a pudgy,little character, checking out videos,pictures ,and safe websites.It was so additively boring.When I was away from it I wanted it,. When I was using it I had nothing to do. WARNING:IF YOU TREASURE YOUR WELL-BEING DON'T GO ON KIDZUI.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Europe here I come!

I got the news yesterday that I have the opportunity to go on a European cruise with my family!!!  I'm very grateful to my grandparents for paying for half of my cruise fare!  Cruises are pretty pricey you know.  I gotta start saving up! 

Does anyone know of any smart ways to earn cash?  I am already doing extra chores and soon I will be mowing my other grandma's lawn.  And no,  "getting a real job" is not an option.  Look forward to hearing from you!


Hi friends! I was looking around my profile yesterday and I saw  that 31 people have seen my profile. That is Awesome!  I have only been here for a little over a week! Woo Hoo!Yay! 31! Cheers! I said CHEERS! I am having a mini party right here by myself.  I offer punch to myself, and I dance with myself. It is a really fun party. 

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Here is a poem I wrote

A penguin named Linzz Queen,
Split my penguin's spleen
All I wanted was a vase.
But Apparently she wanted my face.
I know,I know
I shouldn't be a victim,even though she is a foe.
(I wrote that in 15 minutes)

The Secret Criminal Clubpenguin

(I am so wierd and have to much free time!)I have been a long-time player of club penguin and have found some pretty funny things there. Before there was all this pretending to steal thing in Club Penguin. Penguin started talking about themselves in third person! For example: a penguin says "drops penny on the ground".Most penguins say they do this because they can't make specific moves. A penguin with no special clothes on can only wave,sit,dance, and throw a snow ball.

Speaking in third person evolved to pretend to shoplifting. For example a penguin stands in front of another penguin with a purse and says" Steals purse"(they don't actually get anything though, because they are just saying things.).Some penguins might get away with this ,although not me.I was experimenting and I stole a vase in someones igloo and then some penguin named 'Linzz queen ' says" punches in the face" How evil is that?! She pretended to punch me in the face!It wasn't even her vase!

p.s. I am actually good friend with linzz queen.
Club Penguin - Waddle around and meet new friends!
(It  kinda looks like the penguin is punchng)

Monday, January 19, 2009

multi-colored oranges!

Hi guys I found some multi-colored oranges on the Internet!


Sunday, January 18, 2009

Would you like to be the CEO or the CEO's assistant?

"Explore the unexplored. Start a trend. Don't follow one."
This is a message for young people. Being your own boss is a hard thing to do, but at least you can make your own rules.

Little Sisters--dump them or keep them???

AGH!First my 6-year old sister dresses me better than I could! Second she saves me from humiliation when I literally sat in chocolate! And now she beats me in mancala!Is she some kind of genius full of fashion talent? A forgotten child of Albert Einstein and Heidi Klum?! How could such a child exist? Gotta say that I love her quick wit and fashion savvy. She's a keeper.


My favorite breakfast is a scone or rice with a morning star.

Dogs are cute

Hi gang I am honoring the cuteness of dogs and puppys!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Burrito Bandit

January 6, 2009

My sister stole my burrito! I am outraged!Her excuse was" It was the last microwavable burrito.I had no other choice!".This is such a horrible crime and excuse!Burrito related crimes are the worst in the world.but one day I believe that there will be hope to change.And the future can change If we believe it can.There is still hope.


I was going to the movies with my sister.She was wearing a shirt dress a shirt dress and leggings.I was wearing a light brown and white striped blouse with beige capris and a gold purse.My sister dressed me and did it better than me! Any way I brought chocolates in my purse to sneak in the movies.
After we saw the movie we went to Safeway to get groceries.The chocolates must of fell out of my purse because one piece was at the butt of my pants!Luckily before anyone could notice we traded shirts so nobody could see.Thank goodness for my sis!